WidgetFactory Add-on
Harness the power of your brand and content by giving publishers the ability to add customizable widgets that display your site content on their websites.
You've built an amazing looking website, packed with wonderful features. Now you want to take it a step further. You want your site to be the best resource, the go-to place, for listing and reviews. The WidgetFactory Add-on is just the right tool for the job. Designed from the ground up to be scalable and customizable; it lets you create any number of widgets that publishers can further customize and easily place on their sites with just a few lines of automatically generated code.
- Two widget types, infinite possibilities: Multiple listings and individual listings with reviews. With these two options and the number of configuration settings offered you can offer any number of widgets to your publishers.
- Widget generator: You decide which options to make available for Publishers, and Publishers can customize the widgets based on those options using the widget generator.
- Customizable themes: Easily brand your widgets with your own layout without having to edit any files.
- Track widget impressions and clicks: Keep track of your best widgets and referrers with the built-in statistics feature.
- Responsive design: The widgets are free of potential javascript conflicts with publisher sites because they render inside an iframe. We've made the iframes responsive so they can display well in all devices, from desktops, to smartphones and tables .
- SEO Ready: The widget allows you customize the text that will be displayed in the publisher site before it renders the dynamic output. You can add your own text, images and links to this static text which can be indexed by search engines.
- Widget Module: The add-on ships with a widget module that can be easily added to your listing pages to display a compact widget that publishers can use to grab the widget code or view more widget options.
Below you'll find three live examples of widgets hosted on our demo site.