New release: JReviews 5.2.5
Alejandro Schmeichler
We're excited to announce the release of JReviews 5.2.5, with many improvements and bug fixes. We highly recommend updating to this version as soon as possible.
Amazon S3 Storage
If you are using Amazon S3 for storage this is a critical update because it fixes a problem with uploads not working on new buckets. AWS made a change so new buckets don't have ACL enabled by default. After updating to this version of JReviews means you don't have to make any changes to your new buckets for uploads to work.
For JReviews WordPress users that also use PeepSo, once you update to PeepSo, you must also upgrade to the latest version of JReviews and the PeepSo and Everywhere add-ons if you use them. There was a breaking change to the name of the PeepSo directory that JReviews relies on to determine whether the PeepSo plugin is active.
YOOTheme Pro Add-on
If you are using the YOOTheme Pro add-on, available only in the JReviews Professional plan, it now registers a new template for the JReviews Search Results page which allows you to design your own results list. Keep in mind the add-on remains in beta, and for the time being native JReviews functionality like live filtering will not work on the YOOTheme Pro version of the search results. This addition to the add-on is very exciting because now there's a path forward for other pages in JReviews, even possibly adding a new builder element that renders the JReviews output, while allowing you to use the builder for the rest of the page.
JReviews Frontend Development Update
In the last JReviews release blog post I mentioned we started to work on a front-end re-write of the listing detail page functionality. The idea is to create individual "blocks" which have self-contained functionality so it's easier to re-use them in templates and also in page builders like YOOTheme Pro. So far the following blocks and functionality are in progress or done:
- Write/edit comment/review form with integrated media uploads
- Individual comment/review layout
- Report comment
- Manage comment
- Comment helpful/not-helpful voting
- Manage comment dropdown
- Manage listing dropdown
- Manage media for listings and comments (reviews)
- Add to favorites
- Claim listing
- Send inquiry
- Compare listing button and comparison drawer.
- Audio player
- Attachment downloads
- Rating star
- Image lightbox with navigation
- Custom fields output
- Listing detailed ratings summary
- Listing rating histogram
- Page meta tag manager
This is one of those jobs where as soon as you finish one task in the todo list, ten more appear! and the list is still quite long. However, things are moving forward and we can't wait to show you the results. The current plan is to introduce an early access toggle within JReviews that will allow switching to the new system once all the pieces start coming together.
Full Changelogs
The list of changes is too long to display here. For a comprehensive overview of new features, bug fixes, and improvements, you can read the full changelogs.