Hooks allow you to modify and extend the functionality of JReviews without having to modify existing code.
Below you can find a growing list of existing action and filter hooks. Before you get started with hooks, make sure to read the developers documentation, and specifically the section on using hooks.
Filter the scripts that are loaded on the page.
Filter the CSS stylesheets that are loaded on the page.
Allows injecting HTML code at the bottom of the form and above the buttons.
Allows injecting HTML code above the message field.
Filter the claim form data before saving it to the database.
Filter the array of validation messages.
Allows modifying custom field input properties before these are converted into HTML form elements.
Allows overriding the output of custom fields.
Filter user permission to see the output of a custom field.
Filter user permission to see the output of a custom field in the listing comparison page.
Filter user permission to see the output of a custom field in detail pages.
Filter user permission to see the output of a custom field in lists.
Filter user permission to see a custom field in submit forms.
Filter the image lazy loading activation setting
Filter image tag HTML attributes.
Filter rendered HTML for images.
Allows processing extra fields added to the inquiry form to include them in the email.
Filter the inquiry form data before saving it to the database.
Filter inquiry email payload before email is sent.
Allows adding and removing buttons.
Allows changing thumbnail generation options for the listing cover
Allows adding and removing information icons.
Allows changing thumbnail generation options for the listing logo.
Filter the listing data before sending it to the templates.
Filter user permission to access meta description and keywords fields while creating or updating a listing.
Filter user permission to leave a review while creating a listing.
Filter user permission to claim a listing.
Filter user permission to submit an editor review.
Filter user permission to create a new listing.
Filter user permission to submit a user review.
Filter user permission to delete a listing.
Filter user permission to use favorites feature.
Filter user permission to change the listing featured status.
Filter user permission to change the listing publish status.
Filter user permission to send an inquiry.
Filter user permission to update a listing.
Filter user permission to access the media edit page.
Filter user permission to upload attachments to listings.
Filter user permission to upload audio to listings.
Filter user permission to upload media to listings by specifying the allowed media types.
Filter user permission to upload photos to listings.
Filter user permission to upload videos for listings.
Filter user permission to upload media to listings with the upload from URL feature.
Filter user permission to use the WYSIWYG editor in summary and description fields.
Filter the enabled setting for listing claims.
Filter the enabled setting for editor reviews.
Filter the enabled setting for listing favorites.
Filter the enabled setting for listing inquiries.
Filter the enabled setting for user reviews.
Allows closing editor review submissions.
Allows closing user review submissions.
Filter the moderation setting for new listing submissions.
Filter the listing form data before saving it to the database.
Allows adding and removing labels (e.g. featured, new, popular)
Filter Schema.org structured data markup added to list pages when all listings share the same listing type.
Allows adding and removing buttons from the listings list page. For example, where the submit new listing and layout switcher buttons appear.
Filter the ordering select list in listing list pages.
Filter the listings module data before sending it to the templates.
Filter the listings list page data before sending it to the templates.
Filter the listings query.
Filter the listings count query.
Filter the media like form data before saving it to the database.
Filter the media form data before saving it to the database.
Filter user permission to delete media.
Filter user permission to download attachments.
Filter user permission to change the listing media publish status.
Filter user permission to report media.
Filter user permission to toggle the listing main media.
Filter user permission to update uploaded media details, such as caption and description.
Filter user permission to like and dislike media.
Filter the enabled setting for media reporting.
Filter the enabled setting for media voting.
Filter the moderation setting for attachment uploads.
Filter the moderation setting for audio uploads.
Filter the moderation setting for photo uploads.
Filter the moderation setting for video uploads.
Filter open graph tags HTML before it's added to the head of the page.
Filter open graph tags array before it's converted to HTML.
Filter the canonical meta tag.
Filter the description meta tag.
Filter the keywords meta tag.
Filter the next page meta tag.
Filter the prev page meta tag.
Filter the robots tag.
Filter the page title tag.
Filter Twitter card tags HTML before it's added to the head of the page.
Filter Twitter card tags array before it's converted to HTML.
Filters the sign-up modal benefits text shown to guests when trying to access member features (favorites, claims, inquiries, follow, etc.)
Filter the listing owner reply form data before saving it to the database.
Allows disabling certain features until cookie consent is granted.
Filter the report form data before saving it to the database.
Filter user permission to delete a review discussion comment.
Filter user permission to report review discussions.
Filter user permission to update a review discussion.
Filter the enabled setting for review discussions reporting.
Filter the moderation setting for new review discussions.
Filter the moderation setting for new updated discussions. The default behavior is to autopublish them.
Filter the review discussion form data before saving it to the database.
Filter user permission to create a new review discussion post.
Filter user permission to delete a review.
Filter user permission to delete the listing owner reply to a review.
Filter user permission to submit a listing owner reply for a review.
Filter user permission to report reviews.
Filter user permission to update a review.
Filter user permission to upload media to reviews with the upload from URL feature.
Filter user permission to upload attachments to reviews.
Filter user permission to upload audio to reviews.
Filter user permission to upload media to reviews.
Filter user permission to upload photos to reviews.
Filter user permission to upload videos to reviews.
Filter user permission to vote on review helpfulness.
Filter the enabled setting for review discussions.
Filter the enabled setting for listing owner reply to reviews.
Filter the enabled setting for reviews reporting.
Filter the enabled setting for review helpfulness voting.
Filter the moderation setting for new editor reviews.
Filter the moderation setting for new listing owner replies to reviews.
Filter the moderation setting for new user reviews.
Filter the moderation setting for updated editor reviews.
Filter the moderation setting for updated user reviews.
Filter the default user and editor reviews order within a listing.
Allows changing the text of rating criteria options used in the review form.
Filter the review form data before saving it to the database.
Filter the review vote form data before saving it to the database.
Change the minimum number of characters required for a keyword to be used in search.
Runs after the JReviews admin is initialized and before a controller action is run.
Filter the controller output after it's been rendered.
Filter the request data before the controller action is run.
Filter the request data before the view is rendered.
Filter view variables before these are sent to the template.
Allows modifiying the registration URL used in JReviews sign-up screens and login forms.
Hook into the JReviews cron to and to run tasks periodically.
Filter the captcha setting so it can be controlled programatically.
Generate a different output for controller actions using the render method.
Runs after the JReviews front-end is initialized and before a controller action is run.
Action executed after each directory in a directory page.
Allows displaying any output after the listing title
Allows displaying field groups as different tabs when using the _tabs version of the listing detail template.
Allows displaying any output above or below the listing description.
Allows changing or hiding user display name and avatar.
Allows modifying registration data before the user is created.
Filter the enabled setting for the category follow button.
Filter the enabled setting for the search alerts button.
Allows displaying any output after the event title in day view.
Filter user permission to create a listing resource.
Filter user permission to delete a listing resource.
Filter user permission to update a listing resource.
Filter the enabled setting for listing resources.
Filter the listing resource form data before saving it to the database.
Filter the moderation setting for new lsting resources.
Filter the Google Maps API URL.
Filter user permission to create a user list.
Filter user permission to delete a user list.
Filter user permission to publish to make a user list private.
Filter user permission to publish a user list.
Filter user permission to update a user list.
Filter the enabled setting for user lists for listings.
Filter the moderation setting for new user lists.
Allows adding and removing sections from the UserProfiles account page.